While working my mind can't stop thinking about my lifestyle. Yes, my lifestyle becomes my priority nowadays. It is not lifestyle kayak anak artis siiii tapi kehidupan yang lebih sehat gitu. Aku pikir ulang banyak kehidupan aku yang kemarin sering makan yang gak bener, olahraga nya juga on and off, semangat nya seminggu pas istirahat dua bulan. Gimana 6 packs terjadi kalo olahraga nya gak fix? ngerti ngakkkkk? Ngomong bahasa Indonesia pulak. Feeling bit down about myself. (frustrated with myself!)
I want to change about myself. My own acceptance. It is my body, my mind, my principle and myself. Sometimes I look at the mirror and judging myself what I have done with my body? Enough for few years back with this conditions and I have to move on to be better me. People might say accept for who you are. Ye, saya terima seadanya cuma sekarang saya nak jadi lebih sihat. I need to do something.
Yuppp.... saya sedang mencari semangat dan motivasi. Untuk mengecapi impian perjalanannya memang up and down, gagal pasti ada dan gagal bukan untuk selamanya. Selamanya gagal apabila anda tidak mahu bangkit lagi dari kegagalan. Yes, that are the correct words for me.
Challenge myself within 6 months. We will see how the progress. And I've started already one month with fitness program with my fitness buddy to be a better me.
The journey starts from yourself!
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May I have that booty? :P Yes! Work it out!!! |
Peace & Love,